I haven't posted in a while, I know, but I am planning stuff for soon (hopefully--fingers crossed I'll be able to stick with it!)! I don't know if I mentioned on here that I applied to a local college? Maybe I did. Anyways, today was my first day! It really was so much different than I thought it would be. Beforehand, I was really sweating over whether my teachers would just be hateful because of what I'd heard from high school teachers ('College professors would never let you do this').
For my first class (Drawing for Art Majors), I was early by about thirty minutes and so I was glad when there were some other girls that walked in quickly after I did. One of them even had purple hair just like me (for the record, she was incredibly cool!). My teacher never showed up, so we all pretty much just sat and got to know each other. One of my classmates had already taken a few of my classes, so I got some help from her. I'm glad I got to have that small period of time to get a little information about some classmates because I don't make friends very easily.
I ended up leaving early (after sitting and waiting for two-ish hours) with my new purple-haired friend Heather to grab a little grub and I headed to my next class. I found a friend I had made a few days before and sat with her for our fifty-minute biology class. Turns out our teacher is pretty laid-back minus some small things (i.e. tardiness). When we left class, me and Meri figured out we had a free hour so we hung out at the campus Starbucks (did I mention our campus has a Starbucks?) until our next classes.
My math class ended up being in a glass-walled room underneath our library's bell tower, so I was shaking in fear the whole time. I'm still a little off-kilter from that.
All in all, it was pretty good day, I'd say.
Tomorrow, I'll be going to three new classes, so wish me luck!
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