

Starbucks + Madeleine

At 2:30 today, one of my very good friends Madeleine picked me up and we journeyed into Monroe, a place where men cross the street with pants that are too big to stay above their cheeks (it was both funny and disturbing), where the only Starbucks in Louisiana is (possibly an exaggeration). 
I ordered a Java Chip Frappuccino with Soy Milk (first time trying the soy milk, and it was pretty yummy) and Madeleine ordered a Green Tea Latte. As we sipped these drinks down (pretty quickly), we talked about boys who had wronged us, girls who wear leggings with T-shirts (insert my super judgement face here because I really do hate that trend very much), mean girls, and later plans. One hour turned into two hours which turned into cake pops (I actually don't think those were fully cooked, because I'm feeling a little stomach sick) which turned into three hours and dark skies. I really liked hanging out with someone and just talking without feeling like I was going to be judged, you know?, because both of us have our beliefs but she's just as weird and quirky as I am at the end of the day. (Plus I really love Starbucks.)


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